Monday, October 5, 2009

Conference Weekend

What a wonderful conference this time through! Isn't it always wonderful, though? I think so. Some of my favorites included: David A. Bednar (More Diligent and Concerned in Our Homes), Kent D. Watson (Temperance), Henry B. Eyring (I'm Trying to be Like Jesus), and Dale G Raglund (Heart Transplants). And as always, I love hearing the prophet address. He is a wonderful man full of love.

Well, the weekend started off a little different than anticipated. I had been planning on taking Drew on a date Friday night and I was really excited to figure out something fun. Well, after taking a walk with my friend Melissa that morning, I came home and had really bad pains in my pelvic region. It hurt so badly that I called and set up a doctor's appointment for that day. Drew had to come home early to take me. After THREE hours at the doctor's office and a sonogram, they found out that I had a ruptured cyst on my ovary and I still have a hemorrhaging cyst on my right ovary. The doctor said it is pretty normal and nothing to really be concerned about (TOO LATE) and that I should just take a week or so to recuperate. Well, that put a slight damper on our date night since I hadn't had time to plan it like I thought I would. So we just went to a Mexican joint called Habanero's and walked around a little strip mall area.

I feel fine now! We hung out at the Pepper's for General Conference and on Sunday there was a family dinner and as usual the Thorpes, Guys, and Sis. Conger came over. It was fun!

Drew at Habanero's. He got a burrito called The Homewrecker. Yes. It was huge.

1 comment:

Becca S. said...

Boo, I"m sorry about the cysts. That does not sound so fun. Yay for conference and hanging out with family while you do it! I'm glad Luke liked the singing!