Drew and I decided to write down 30 things that were interesting about ourselves and share with all those who read our blog. It was fun to learn a couple new things about each other.
30 Things You Might Not Have Know about Andrew William Pepper
1. I say the word Orange funny, according to my wife.
2. My mom misspelled my name on my scriptures with Willam. My name is Andrew William.
3. My first job was at a Sno-Cone Hut. It was six women and I.
4. I haven’t grown taller since I was 13, when I was 5’10. I have gained 50 lbs. since then, though.
5. When I was a kid, I stepped in an ant pile once. Twenty seconds later, I had more than 50 ant bites.
6. I was known as Andrew until I was 14. When I started attending youth dances, my older brother started introducing me as Drew. I have been Drew ever since.
7. I have lived in Manhattan and worked in the Empire State Building.
8. My favorite bread is a braided, Swiss bread called Butterzopf. It really is amazing.
9. I have used four cars for my personal transportation. Three of them have been some type and year of a Ford Taurus.
10. My death row last dinner would probably be Chips & Salsa, Apple Juice and Vanilla Ice-Cream.
11. In high school, I earned a letter jacket for qualifying and competing in the Texas state Debate tournament.
12. I was pulled over once for speeding on an Indian Reservation in New Mexico. I was going 101 in a 75 mph zone. Somehow, I got off.
13. I love learning history and learning about art.
14. My three favorite novels are Catcher in the Rye, Of Mice and Men and Lord of the Flies.
15. Lion King is my favorite Disney cartoon movie. Remember the Titans is my favorite Disney movie.
16. Luzern, Switzerland is the prettiest place I have ever been. Times Square is the most exciting. Temple Square is the most interesting.
17. When I was a little kid, sometimes my body looked like it was the body of a muppet (see above picture).
18. I own a cowbell that you could fit your head into.
19. I had seen two musicals before I was married – The Wizard of Oz and West Side Story. Since I have been married, I have seen more than ten.
20. As a missionary, I visited six countries – United States, Switzerland, France, Germany, Austria and Lichtenstein.
21. I love to experience new things.
22. My first email address was superdrewlds@yahoo.com I created it when I was 14. Once I was at BYU, my boss almost didn’t hire me because I was still using that email address. I now use drewpepper@gmail.com
23. My favorite sport was baseball until I was cut from my freshmen team in high school.
24. When I was 17, I karate chopped a 2-inch thick slab of concrete in two pieces. It kinda hurt, but I did it.
25. I had an adopted Grandma growing up. My mother visit taught her, and we treated her as our grandmother for the next ten years.
26. When I was a kid, we would go to Baskin-Robbins 31 flavors. I would always get Vanilla.
27. If I did whatever I wanted to for a living, I would probably write screenplays for films. Or play in the NBA.
28. My favorite comic strip is The Far Side by Gary Larson
29. Growing up, I spent every Friday night at my grandparent’s house.
30. One summer I attended four MLB games in four different stadiums: Shea, Yankee, Nationals Park, and Rangers Ballpark
Tune in next time for 30 things about Kathryn!!!
Hey Drew,
Would you care to go into more detail about your old Swiss girlfriend that gave you that cow bell? Haha! Oh..good times!
funnnnnnnnnnny. thanks for educating us on all things drew pepper.
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