And the answer was YES! I have NEVER donated my hair before. I knew my sister-in-law Martha had (I think she's done it a couple times) but I have always been too chicken to cut it that short. I officially donated it to Locks of Love. And I feel really good about it. Good-bye 10 inches of hair.
Before (I was looking a little like a Mexican version of the girl on Tangled):
Annnnnd after:
SHORT, huh? And it'll go perfect with my new calling: 2nd counselor in the Primary presidency. This way the kids can't pull my hair. I obviously have no idea what goes on in Primary, but I'm gonna find out! And soon. Drew doesn't have a calling yet but he's pulling for ward greeter. The thing is, in our ward the greeters are about 90 years old. No joke. Maybe they'll bend the rules for him :)
I love it!! Donating hair is the best and you look super cute.
Honestly, I think you look so much better with short hair.... much older and mature but carefree and fun at the same time.... I dunno if that makes any sense... Bottom line is I like it!!
I'm getting excited for your visit in a few months! We are going to have so much fun!!
Super cute and you'll be fabulous in primary.
I'm jealous you can grow beautiful long hair and jealous you can wear it short and cute. And I think it is funny you said you looked like a Mexican Tangled...super funny! And your baby is adorable!
Cute hair!! I just got called as 2nd counselor in Primary too! Good luck! :)
oooh ooh ohhh!! soo cute! :) I wanna do that sometime.. much later.. i would have to actually grow it out for once that is.. ha!
i loved having short hair when i cut it last year - i felt like a whole new person. and after having a baby, it's so fun to have something different!
you are one of those people that (SERIOUSLY!) would look cute bald.
you suck.
and congrats on your new calling! i was 2nd counselor for awhile - it's fun!
So cute! It's been awhile since you had short hair. Grace is such a cutie! I want to kiss her cute cheeks!
Cute hair! I love it. As for what to expect in your new calling . . . expect frustration, sweet tender moments, and extremely random comments from the children about how much they like peaches, how their little brother pooped in their pants that morning, or how they heard their parents fight that morning (I was a primary teacher for 3 years). My all-time favorite comment was from a boy who said his mother said she wouldn't let them eat eggs on Easter because it was like eating Jesus. Yeah. It's fun though. Good luck!
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